Posted on December 5, 2009

This is part I in a series of comments on how Christmas goes in a country in decline politically, financially and morally. This part is by way of a background report:

The oldest political correctness ruse on the books: Christmas must join other religious celebrations held at this time to collectively be referred to as “the holidays.” Why?  Because mention of it or focus on it harms other belief systems whose holidays are being held at the same time.  Ah, but it is OK to harm Christmas.

The ACLU has single-handedly reduced this country to a collection of jumbled, meaningless cultures with stifled beliefs. When beliefs go underground, isn’t that the light of freedom of speech being snuffed out?

There is always a historical disconnect when the ACLU gets involved. The country was first settled by Pilgrims fleeing religious persecution in England. Now even if, as our Latino brothers and sisters say, the Spanish were here first, still that would be Christians – native populations and their spiritual devotions notwithstanding.

So according to PC, rather than allow all religions to display their wares and to participate in school programs, no religions are allowed near schools or public buildings, etc.or to call themselves by their proper names.

The result of all of this is that we citizens will get to know less and less about one another and religion may die further than it has already. Only the Muslims remain fervent in their practices. What if the US becomes part of a Global Caliphate. Then religion will be back in the schools.

So think of the above as you put up your tree or menorah or other religions emblem this holiday season and Christians, don’t be afraid to wish someone a Merry Christmas. That will let them know who and what you are. They, not the ACLU, will let you know if it is offensive. Followed by “I am sorry and tell me a bit about yourself,” this approach may just take us further toward understanding.

And about Santa?  Just try to bring that old boy down!  May age and religions discrimination charges be loosed upon those who dare.


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