Stupid Net Tricks: The Obama-FOX War is Over – CNN Mercenaries Recalled – Beyond Belief for October 19, 2009

Posted on October 19, 2009

shark coming out of the side of the house.Beyond Belief for October 19, 2009

by SamHenry

The Washington Post is reporting this morning that Administration officials will now be allowed to go on FOX News.  They must feel like kids let out of school.  What will they do? What will they say?  Imagine the possibilities.

But before leaving the world of make believe media, let’s take a look back at how the powerful Administration of President Barack Obama was brought down to the level of FOX News Network:

The import of FOX to the Administration was amply illustrated this past week when White House Communications Maven, Anita Dunn, spoke ex cathedra to the American public from the White House Lawn about FOX News Network’s journalistic or rather entertainment transgressions in recent days. FOX treatment of two key issues fanned the flames:  The loss of the Olympics and the gain of the Nobel Peace Prize.  Anita went to a lot of trouble over this.  The public took note.  Folks tuned in to FOX News Network to see what all the fuss was about.

This Sunday found some very slick programming on CNN’s State of the Union with John King.  Early on there was a lengthy interview of Rahm Emanuel covering a range of topics including the Administration’s war with FOX News Network.  Throughout the morning as the show morphed into other segments such as Reliable Sources, portions of the Emanuel interview were deftly sewn into the fabric that made the end result seem as if it were the Rahm Emanuel Sunday Special.

Of course the main topic seemed to be the war with FOX.  It has been fought for months in the trenches during White House Press Conferences.  But this Sunday on CNN, Never has so much about FOX been broadcast.  If this had escalated further, I would have expected  CNN to broadcast in split screen with a feed from FOX to facilitate a running commentary and a leg up on breaking news, rather feuds.

Happily David Carr of the New York Times has confirmed what persons of intelligence  have long believed: It is unseemly for the White House to take out after a single news source.  In other words, pick on someone your own size, Obama:

On the official White House Web site, a blog called Reality Check provides a running tally of transgressions by Fox News. It ends with this: “For even more Fox lies, check out the latest ‘Truth-O-Meter’ feature from Politifact that debunks a false claim about a White House staffer that continues to be repeated by Glenn Beck and others on the network.”

People who work in political communications have pointed out that it is a principle of power dynamics to “punch up “ — that is, to take on bigger foes, not smaller ones. A blog on the White House Web site that uses a “truth-o-meter” against a particular cable news network would not seem to qualify. As it is, Reality Check sounds a bit like the blog of some unemployed guy living in his parents’ basement, not an official communiqué from Pennsylvania Avenue.

And there you have it: liberal print media advising the big bully Administration to knock it off.  This would all be too worrisome to freedom of speech and other democratic delights if it weren’t so damnably funny.  Anita, Rahm, CNN – look ashamed and don’t even consider hideous pre-conditions. Those are only appropriate in Pre-Nups.  OK, it’s all over folks, go back to what you were doing.


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