“UCLA Professor” Declares La Raza Revolution Against Capitalism and Imperialism

Posted on May 8, 2010

The term “la raza” has a Spanish meaning of “the race” or “the people.”  But it is used in different parts of the Spanish speaking world to mean different things – most connected to race.  In Central and South America, la raza  is conceptually used to reference people of native origin or of mixed origin (European and Native).  But it is also a concept – the concept of a people and its culture.  [Wikipedia]

There is an organization, The National Council of LaRaza, that was formed in the 1960’s during the civil rights movement but was comprised of groups that had sprung up in the 1930s.

As Helen Rowan explained in a paper prepared for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1968:

There was no Mexican American organization equivalent of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) or the National Urban League; no Mexican American colleges; and virtually no financial or other help from outside the community itself. It has thus been extremely difficult for the leadership to develop and pursue strategies which would force public agencies and institutions to pay greater and more intelligent attention to Mexican American needs and to make changes, where necessary, to meet them.

Recognizing that these hurdles imposed a critical barrier to the mobilization of an effective civil rights movement, a group of young Mexican Americans in Washington, DC decided to form a coordinating body that could provide technical assistance to existing Hispanic groups and bring them together into a single united front. In the early 1960s, this organization, called NOMAS (National Organization for Mexican American Services), met with the Ford Foundation to present a funding proposal. The meeting was one of several factors that contributed to a Ford decision to finance a major study of Mexican Americans by scholars at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), the first grant of its kind in the United States. [National Council of La Raza]

All of the above said, the organization, La Raza, does not seek to be identified with revolution per-se or with racism in the extreme. Even Hugo Chavez does  not use the term. He says it reminds him of Hitler.  So it is all the more amazing that the UCLA professor you are about to watch, evoked Chavez at all. [National Review Online]

The revolutionary La Raza – the militant Mexicans forming a movement that is gaining in strength, flies in the face of those weakly offering up a path to citizenship and amnesty. They want open borders AND to see the death of the capitalist system.  As the professor declared in the video below, the land that was formerly Mexican in the south west is “stolen.”  He is not the average Mexican in the street from whom we need not fear anything.  He is using his rhetorical skills and his advanced education in the service of  race-mongering, hate-loving calls to action –  inciting the masses to rise and strike down the white man and his institutions.

The revolution that has boiled over in South America is at our door.  The drug trade to finance it is dominating the southern border. We are at “war” at home and abroad now.  This is a very dangerous time for this country and the danger is not to be underestimated.  Amnesty and open boarders will hasten the day when we breeze past NAFTTA implement the goal of a united hemisphere governed as a body. World government is also at our door.

I have written of the alliance of al-Qaeda with the South American drug cartels. Never doubt that this alliance will grow and with it the threat to our nation.  It, too, is a threat to our national sovereignty.  Now with swelling ranks, the Mexican leftists have come out of their “closet” and openly thumb their nose at the US and predict war. [Video source YouTube via CNN]

Important Update to above video:

StandWithArizona — May 08, 2010 — “Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico”…La Raza rally at UCLA….More gems: ‘Communist Revolution’, ‘Frail, racist white people’, ‘La Raza’ (the Race), Fidel Castro, ‘Northern Front of Latin Revolution’…”40 million…revolutionaries…in the belly of the beast”. “Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism”. Sedition anyone? http://StandWithArizona.com

Sanchee H.S. history teacher Ron Gochez, La Raza Rally at UCLA

We are revolutionary Mexican organization here. We understand that this is not just about Mexico. Its about a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism At the forefront of this revolutionary movement is La Raza. We will no longer fall for these lies called borders. We see America as a northern front of a revolutionary movement Our enemy is capitalism and imperialism.

Ron Gochez is NOT a professor at UCLA. Gochez is currently a HISTORY teacher (yikes) at Santee H.S. in Los Angeles.

Here is his H.S.: http://www.santeefalcons.org/ Phone: (213) 763-1000 Los Angeles Unified School District Tel: 213-241-7000 superintendent@lausd.net Los Angeles Board of Education: Tel: 213-241-6389 Email: steve.zimmer@lausd.net [FreeRepublic.com]

A video of  Ron Gochez in front of the LA City Council regarding police handling of the May Day crowds 2010:

And in December, 2009 this report on a demonstration and also a historical perspective of La Raza

HotAir – Video: Obama’s really bad, not good, terrible week

HotAir – Brutal: Arizona governor’s ad hammers Obama on immigration

HotAir -Report: Houston student suspended for taking down Mexican flag