Obama Handles M.E. Peace Process Like Health Care

Posted on March 21, 2010

It is well that the meeting of the Quartet for Middle East Peace in Moscow last week came on the heels of the Biden firestorm in Israel that left relations between the US and Israel smoldering. It is always a good thing when countries as well as individuals involved in a row are  forced disappear into the context of a group situation. But with this group, the message is always Israel has to blah, blah, blah and of course the requisite blah [Middle East Quartet Statement].

All the world loves balance and perspective but the Middle East is a messy place these days.

  • Obama acting unilaterally and angrily.
  • Brazil’s President Lula on the scene acting unilaterally.
  • The quartet behind the scenes acting dictatorial with the same cast of characters: The UN, the US, Russia and Europe (remember Muslim Turkey is part of Europe, folks. We should elevate them to Obama status).
  • China is in the mix with its growing relations in trade and politics with Iran.
  • The Arab states have our oil, (cough, cough).
  • Loud voices around the globe urging tougher stance with regard to Israel.

How soon we forget:

  • The history of the formation of Israel and our role in it.
  • Also remember the Crusaders were in the same area fighting Muslims while hunting the “snark” the Holy Grail. There are many Muslims for whom support of Iran won’t erase this fact.
  • And remember, too,that Israel used to manufacture under wear for Victoria’s Secret. This last is very important to a large sector of the US population!

Back off, Barack. Oh, the ties that bind – multifarious and hard to throw over Barack.

HotAir – Rasmussen: Obama more disliked than Bush?

HotAir – Updates on ObamaCare for Saturday morning (slouching toward Armageddon)

VotingFemale Speaks! – Obama Approval falls to 43% on eve of landmark House vote on ObamaCare, so says Rasmussen Reports

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