Palin Support Websites: Positive Palin Posts Only Need Apply

Posted on February 28, 2010

The sites devoted to Sarah Palin that I have visited in the main, do not carry any articles or Posts critical of her.  In fairness, she does pen some answers to her critics on some of the sites. Other of the sites have videos with her taking on her critics directly. Then too, there is enough negative press about her out there and these sites are a counterweight.  But Sarah is a fighter. She’s a different political animal.

Including more of the critical articles about her can make a site more credible. After all, non-Palin supporters find the web pages. A point by point response right on one of these sites would be powerful stuff.  Sarah can afford to have that kind of material there.

We need more of the yin and yang of issues closely juxtaposed.  We need to spice up the Pro-Palin websites – a little more controversy if you please. I don’t want to feel as if I’m in church. I’m off to create a Pro-Palin site called: Sugar and Spice and Some Things Not So Nice About Sarah Palin!  Let the mainstream media mice charge. She knows the kind of gun to  use.

NOTE: Sarah Palin websites visited will not be posted. I leave it up to the public forum to review these sites and draw their own conclusions. And I welcome a response to my assertions since I cannot visit all sites.


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